The Scout Uniform

Show Scout Spirit

The Scout Uniform

  • Either sew on Patches yourself (recommended), take the patches and uniform to your dry cleaner and have them sew them on (second recommendation) or get the patch glue or patch stickers to adhere the patches to the uniform (not recommended). Here is a guide CLICK HERE for the Scout Uniform Inspection PDF

  • Class A Uniform is the Full Scout Uniform Found Here on The Uniform Inspection Sheet. This should be worn to all formal events such as Scout Meetings, Parades, Memorial Services, Blue and Gold Dinner, Campouts, Eagle Scout Court of Honors, and any other time we show scout spirit in a formal settings . Class B Uniform is for when we get our hands dirty.

  • Class B Scout Uniform is the informal Scout Uniform, wear regular clothes or play clothes and some article of clothing with scout insignia or troop symbol on it. Either one or a combination of a scout hat, scout t-shirt, or simply just the neckerchief worn with regular clothes. This is good for times when getting our hands dirty such as a service project, hiking, or camping.

Class B Uniform

An example of Class B Uniform…Getting our hands dirty with a Hiking Trail Clean Up Project. Scouts wearing regular clothes with some in a scout hat, scout neckerchief or scout t-shirt.

Class A Uniform

An example of Class A Uniform…Scouts in Formal Attire participating in a memorial service wearing scout shirt, scout hat, scout belt, scout neckerchief, scout pants, etc.